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About Us
Attain holistic health, peace of mind
We are living in an era where materialism, work pressure, consumerism, issues affecting familial bonds, ever-growing social divisions, craving for money and power, climatic challenges due to global warming, the ominous threat of terrorism, and the plague of drug abuse confront our daily lives as well as the future of our species. In such a challenging contexture, people and organizations focused on the spiritual realm become the repository of hope and sustenance. They serve society as wellsprings of morality and integrity, providing spiritual, intellectual, and personal solace, and acting as beacons of virtuous living.
We at Saketh are working towards supporting society in attaining holistic health, peace of mind, wisdom, illuminated thinking capacity, benevolent perspective, and generous disposition. Saketh endeavours to enrich the community through spiritual education aimed at achieving peace and nonviolence, natural healing methods through yoga and meditation, and counselling sessions. Additionally, we encourage pilgrimages, promote cultural events and rituals, guide young people towards achieving responsible citizenship and ethical leadership, advocate environmental conservation, propagate indigenous wisdom, and contribute to the spread of positive thinking.
In Sanatan Dharma, pilgrimages are an essential part of observing faith, though not mandatory. Hinduism considers human life a long journey, a search for the ultimate meaning of everything. A pilgrimage is believed to be a process of purgation for the human soul, involving an austere lifestyle during and before the pilgrimage. Pilgrimages bring people closer to themselves, helping them recognize their vices and foibles. They expose individuals to unforeseen challenges, persuade them to live in harmony with strangers, and lead them through diverse experiences.
Saketh organizes pilgrimages to temples, ashrams, mountains, and rivers of absolute spiritual significance. Visiting such places can be an unforgettable inner experience. It is said that every Indian should visit the Himalayas and the holy river Ganga at least once in their lifetime. Saketh helps people make this happen.
Yoga and Meditation
India has made significant contributions to human civilization, including the practice of yoga, which originated over 5,000 years ago. The Sanskrit word "yoga" means "to unite," as the practice unites the human body, mind, and soul, making it a harmonious whole. This discipline combines bodily postures, breathing exercises, and meditation, leading to physical well-being, mental power, and spiritual energy.
Saketh provides ample opportunities to learn and practice yoga regularly. Our competent yoga instructors are dedicated to the progress of learners in achieving a harmonious lifestyle. Flexible timings and effective communication are highlights of the Saketh Yoga Training Program.
Spiritual Education
India has a rich tradition of learning and books, with ancient Indian scriptures revered globally as the oldest and the most erudite literary traditions. Our scriptures encompass various subjects, including governance, politics, civic society, economics, medicine, astronomy, mathematics, physics, chemistry, botany, spirituality, art, architecture, and romance.
Saketh aims to teach spiritual education through online sessions, conducted under the supervision of our panel of highly scholastic gurus.
Spiritual Gatherings
In ancient India, spiritual gatherings were held to discuss Dharma and arrive at treasurable answers to questions haunting humanity. Saketh organizes such spiritual events globally, restructuring, rebuilding, and reforming stressful lives.
We welcome all to this great opportunity. Saketh is intent on providing a more peaceful, balanced, and serene tomorrow! Come, let us join hands to make the dream come true!